Peoples / Migrations / Claims

August 10 – 15, 2015

Australia National University
Canberra, Australia

IGHERT Group Photo, Australian National University

Peoples / Migrations / Claims concentrates on two major forces redefining indigeneity, geographical/cultural displacement in migration and the diversifying range of domains in which claims to indigeneity may be made (legal, political, cultural, linguistic, genomic, etc.).

View more pictures from the Australian Plenary Session here >


9 August (Sunday)

Welcome dinner at Spicy Ginger, Childers Street 6.30pm

10 August (Monday)

9.00-9.30am: Registration and coffee

9.30-10.30: Welcome to Country, Introduction and briefing about the 5-day Institute:
Discussion of outcomes from Santacruz workshop and brief reports from PIs
Chair: Debjani Ganguly

10.30-11.00am: Coffee

11.00am -12.30pm: A roundtable with 5-minute updates from IGHERT students (videotaped), followed by discussion
Chair: Martin Thomas

12.30-1.30pm: Lunch

1.30-3.00pm: Expert forum with Prof Megan Davis, UNSW and Prof Jon Altman, ANU
Chair: Melinda Hinkson

3.00-3.30pm – Coffee

3.30-5.00pm – Interactive Reading Roundtable (readings circulated via Dropbox Link)
Chair: Debjani Ganguly

Formal Dinner: 6.30 pm at Monster Kitchen and Bar, Nishi complex, Edinburgh Avenue, Acton

11 August (Tuesday)

9.00 – 10.30am: Keynote lecture on ANU Institute theme: Professor Paul Carter, RMIT
Chair: Melinda Hinkson

10.30-11am: Coffee

11.00am-12.30pm: Writing retreat (with Paul Carter, Aneesh Aneesh, Vilashini Cooppan, and Martin Thomas)

12.30- 1.30pm – Lunch

1.30-3.00pm – Writing retreat (continued)

3.00- 3.30pm: Discussion over Coffee with all IGHERT participants on the usefulness of the writing retreat

3.30-5.00pm: Visit to the National Museum of Australia

Free evening and dinner on your own

12 August (Wednesday)
Focus on the theme of ‘Claims’ and discussion of two case studies.

9.00am-10.30am: Case Study One: ANU-British Museum collaboration on ‘Engaging Objects’ and repatriation issues with Greg Lehman, John Carty and Maria Nugent
Chair: Melinda Hinkson

10.30-11.00am: Coffee

11.00-11.45: Case Study Two: Mt Doreen Native Title Claim: Prof Nicolas Peterson ANU Centre for Native Title Anthropology
Chair: Debjani Ganguly

12 noon-2.30pm Working Lunch with interactive group reading exercises (readings circulated via Dropbox Link)
Chair: Martin Thomas

2.30-3.30pm: Break for students to prepare for public presentation at University House.

2.30-3.30pm: Business meeting for PIs and faculty to discuss forward planning and any other business over coffee

3.45pm Meet in the foyer of University House

4.00-6.00pm: IGHERT student presentations to ANU Graduates, faculty and invited guests hosted by the Master of University House, Prof Peter Kanowski.

6.00-7.00pm: Cocktails at University House with invited guests

7.00pm: Formal dinner hosted by University House

13 August (Thursday)

9.30-11.00am: Migrations Panel with Pacific studies scholars, Prof Margaret Jolly, ANU and Dr Katerina Teaiwa, ANU
Chair: Debjani Ganguly

11.00-11.30am – Coffee

11.30-2.00pm: Student/mentor presentations of 10 mins based on pairing exercise and experience of collaborating in virtual workspaces

Working lunch including Rachel Deblinger’s response to the above session, followed by discussion led by Rachel on digital interactivity; transcontinental mentoring; public scholarship and communication.

Chair: Melinda Hinkson

2-5pm: Field visits within Canberra: Bark petition, Aboriginal Tent Embassy, National Gallery of Australia (permanent exhibition on indigenous art).

7.00pm: Dinner at Duxton Pub

14 August (Friday)

9.30-11.00am: Closing plenary by Professor Bain Attwood, Monash University
“British treatment of indigenous rights in land in Australia and New Zealand between the late eighteenth century and the early to mid nineteenth century”
Chair: Alexandra Roginsky

11.00-11.30am – Coffee

11.30am-12.30pm: IGHERT- way forward and future workshops

12.30-1.15pm: Lunch

1.30pm: Alexandra Roginksy’s book launch by Prof Bain Attwood